Although Mr. Brewer is an attorney, since 2000 he has limited his practice to provision of arbitration, mediation, special master and other alternative dispute resolution services. In such engagements, he does not represent any party (whether as attorney, advocate, advisor, or in any other connection), there is no attorney-client relationship between him and any of the parties, and the parties look to their own lawyers for advice on their legal rights and obligations, including questions concerning any applicable time limitations within which litigation or arbitration must be filed or within which any action must be taken in any pending litigation or arbitration. Mr. Brewer does not accept new clients for other types of work, such as litigation, transactional work, business counseling, or any other type of legal services. Accordingly, please do not contact Mr. Brewer concerning provision of any legal or other services except service as an arbitrator, mediator, special master or similar work as an ADR neutral.